Kim Kardashian Quotes for Confidence and Success
Kim Kardashian is known for her confidence, success, and ability to turn challenges into opportunities. Over the years, she has shared powerful quotes that inspire millions to believe in themselves and chase their dreams.
Whether you’re looking for a boost in confidence or seeking motivation to succeed, Kim’s words can help you stay focused and positive. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best Kim Kardashian quotes that can make you feel empowered, confident, and ready to take on the world. Let these quotes remind you that with hard work and self-belief, anything is possible!
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Best Kim Kardashian Quotes
- So far, designing is the most exciting thing. I’ve done I have a vision of what I want the clothes to look like in my mind and its fun to see it come alive on paper.
- I always want to be a better version of myself.
- If I don’t like something that’s going on in my life, I change it. And I don’t sit and complain about it for a year.
- I really see myself continuing to design clothes, fragrances.
- It’s just so hard when you have a connection with someone and they just leave and you don’t know if you’ll ever see them again.
- I respect knowledge of the psyche. I would be a therapist if I weren’t an entertainer.
- I think when you know so deep in your heart that you just to listen to your intuition and follow your heart, there’s no right or wrong thing to do.
- If I like a food, I’ll eat it, even if I know it’s not good for me.
- My twerking skills are for the bedroom, not for the club.
- I learn from everything I do.
- I am so stereotyped into being this Hollywood girl.
- Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would. But that’s OK.
- For me, skinny is just a style of jeans – not a goal.
- You can’t really have it all.
- I think you have different soul mates throughout your life, that your soul needs different things at different times.
- I buy myself a gift every year, so this year I bought everything I wanted.
- You make mistakes, but I don’t have any regrets. I’m the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it.
- I have cellulite, just like almost every other woman on the planet.
- I am a huge Eminem fan and find it flattering that he would rap about me. Personally, I’m honored.
- I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised.
- It’s such a trip how your body grows and changes, and at the end of the day, you have to wear what you are comfortable in and what you feel good in.
- I had to take that risk for my inner peace and to be happy with myself.
- I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress, in case the house burns down.
- I used to be so dependent on the guys I was in a relationship with. I don’t know why, because I wasn’t raised that way.
- I feel like I’m at a really happy, good space.
- There’s a lot of baggage that comes along with our family, but it’s like Louis Vuitton baggage.
- When I gain a pound it’s in the headlines.
- If you can fix a problem with money, it’s not really a problem.
- I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others. Please drink responsibly and it’s never acceptable to drink and drive!
- I love to bake, especially cupcakes. I’m really good at it.
- I think as long as you learn from your mistakes, and don’t make them over and over again, you’re on the right path.
- The things I’m passionate about are beauty and fashion.
- I think each shoot has a different personality.
- Take and chance and don’t ever look back. Never have regrets, just lessons learned.
- Apparently, in the eyes of the law, my admiration of Justin Bieber is creepy.
- I don’t really have goals as far as I want to be on a cover or something like that.
- I didn’t love school.
- I think the more I don’t make it mysterious, the more people don’t care.
- If I had known better, I would have done better.
- I think you have to be who you are and be proud of who you are.
- I promote a healthy lifestyle.
- Remember, people only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.
- I’m totally growing up.
- I am fascinated by crime scene investigating. I swear, I wish I was a crime scene investigator sometimes!
- You can’t really have like high end designers for everything.
- They say I look like a different ethnicity, and nobody’s been recognizing me.
- I took on so many things and not everything was the right fit. If you do that, it can kill your brand. A partnership has to be real and authentic.
- I’d be foolish not to take some of these opportunities that are coming my way.
- I Don’t Really Like Thanksgiving Food, I’m Not Worried About Overeating.
- It’s time to recognise the Armenian Genocide.
- I might have a little bit of cellulite. I might not be toned everywhere. I might struggle in this area or that. But accepting that just empowers me.
- Me and my sisters all have such different body types.
- My balance is really bad. I just hope my clumsiness doesn’t show through.
- When you have so much visibility, you don’t want to put out something that’s not 100 percent perfect.
- Follow your heart.
- Shake what ya momma gave ya and most of all be sassy.
- It doesn’t matter if you have a valentine or not – just love yourself and be your own.
- I believe that all anyone really wants in life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich.
- I would rather have been beaten up in the media than live a life that wasn’t happy.
- I think if I’m 40 and I don’t have any kids and I’m not married, I would have a baby artificially inseminated.
Famous Kim Kardashian Quotes
- I am hands-on in any project that I am associated with. I just don’t want to put my face or name and lend it to a product that I’m not behind a hundred percent.
- I was always really shy so I’d never try to get a guy’s attention.
- I do rely on having a full face on.
- I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.
- I just feel my best when I’m all glammed up.
- My decision to end my marriage was such a risk to lose ratings and lose my fan base.
- If you ask her to do things on command, like clap or walk, she just shuts down. She does not want to perform.
- There are always going to be ridiculous rumors.
- People don’t understand the pressure on me to look perfect.
- I think the most important thing is – I always liked help with feeding essentials like breastfeeding stuff, because it’s really tricky.
- Everything family does is reflection on the other people.
- It’s hard to really feel the joy sometimes of being present when there’s so many different things pulling at you.
- I believe you should be comfortable in your skin no matter what you go through emotionally or mentally.
- I think you have different soulmates throughout your life.
- I love the sun but don’t have the time to get a good tan and keep it year-round, so I am a huge fan of tanning products.
- My career is based on openness and honesty.
- It’s fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.
- You never know what the future holds or where life will take you.
- A guy isn’t the only thing that will make me happy. If I never find romance or love, that will be okay. It’s what I want, but it doesn’t define me.
- I have a hit TV show.
- I’d be foolish not to take some of opportunities that are coming my way. We all know this can go away at any moment.
- At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are.
- I don’t even drink! I can’t stand the taste of alcohol. Every New Year’s Eve I try one drink and every time it makes me feel sick. So I don’t touch booze – I’m always the designated driver.
- I always say you shouldn’t weigh yourself. I don’t even have a set of scales in my house.
- I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others.
- Being on reality TV has changed my life, for the better.
- When there are so many haters and negative things, I really don’t care.
- I’ve worked really hard.
- First and foremost, I married for love.
- I wanted to be a teacher.
- Botox to me is not surgery.
- I definitely want kids and I want four kids, for sure. But I need to find a husband first!
- I’m the true definition of a workaholic.
- Social media is just a part of our culture now, a part of our daily lives.
- I was in Africa in a diamond mine.
- I play into the perception of me, but it’s not really me.
- I have sister issues and parent issues and all sorts of things.
- I’m a true definition of a workaholic.
- It’s easier to just be single and not have a relationship.
- It just wasn’t the fairy tale I had hoped for.
- The perfect date for me would be staying at home, making a big picnic in bed, eating Wotsits and cookies while watching cable TV.
Iconic Kim Kardashian Quotes
- I don’t talk about money.
- I went to college for four years.
- I am confident and not trying to hide my bump. I actually want to accentuate it.
- We just started seeing a nutritionist who changes our diet every 10 days.
- Men are attracted to me because of my personality!
- Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.
- I never want to look back and think, I wish I had done this or that.
- I was raised with a huge Armenian influence, always hearing stories of Armenia, celebrating Armenian holidays.
- I’m really fun. I love to have a good time.
- I have cellulite. So what?
- After five months I swore I’d never get pregnant again. I got so huge and it felt like someone had taken over my body.
- It’s called Seflish, which is fitting.
- Get to know me and see who I am.
- I’m a little more shy and not comfortable dancing in front of a large crowd.
- I love that my friends are sometimes even 20, 30 years older than me – that I can just sit and enjoy their company and their experiences.
- The grass is greener where you water it – not always on the other side!
- You don’t put bumper stickers on a Bentley.
- I’m kind of shocked I’m getting a fashion award when I’m naked most of the time.
- I am really cautious about what I say and do.
- There was a time in my life where all I wanted was a relationship, and I thought that was the most important thing.
- White is actually one of my favorite colors. I have a white car. I love white.
- I like to give great clothes. I only get kids’ clothes. And I know kids don’t like clothes, but I like to get them clothes.
- I’m an entrepreneur. ‘Ambitious’ is my middle name.
- I don’t care what the weather is, I will always wear my coats. I am always freezing, so it works out perfectly for me!
- I am pretty honest about a lot of things that young girls question, like their body image.
- I started taking selfies since I was 4.
- We are all blessed ones. Heaven is no longer in the clouds. It is right here, all around us, everywhere; we must only open our eyes to see it.
- Personally, I’ve always loved the curvy look.
- I would say she’s definitely not shy, like her dad.
- It was always so important to my dad for us to understand about the Genocide and to know about our family history.
- I learned how to cook and do a lot of marital things.
- Why is it when you’re dieting, you crave everything?
- Embrace your curves and who you are. I feel proud if young girls look up to me and say, I’m curvy, and I’m proud of it now.
- I’ve just had enough of people misrepresenting me. Get to know me and see who I am.
- I definitely think anything I’d be in now is a permanent relationship.
- If I look at the message I’m portraying, I think it definitely is be who you are, but be your best you.
- I love meeting new people and telling them about my stories and my projects.
- I couldn’t sacrifice my heart for a publicity stunt.
- I recommend hiding for a good year and having no pregnancy style. That’s what I recommend. If you can do it, hide. Never leave the house.
- My mom and I had the same vision, and we want the same things. We would always make a goal list every year.
- I would absolutely characterize myself as ambitious.
- For me, skinny is just a style of jeans — not a goal.
- I have a different relationship with the paparazzi than what is perceived by the world.
- I don’t respond to just any situation with stress. It has to be something that is really bothering me.
- I’m famous for my butt. But it’s my heart that people should know.
- I don’t like to waste time. I am always busy.
- I’m totally not against plastic surgery. I’ve tried Botox before. That’s the only thing that I’ve done.
- I always wanted what Mom and Dad had.
- I hate when women wear the wrong foundation color. It might be the worst thing on the planet when they wear their makeup too light.
- I’ve always been a businesswoman.
- I’m an entrepreneur. Ambitious is my middle name.
- I try to learn from everything, even if it’s the past.
- I know some people say it’s not the best to work with your family, but I have never understood that because it’s always worked so well for me.
- I’m a better person when I’m rested and comfortable.
- I hate to talk about myself.
- It doesn`t matter if you have a valentine or not – just love yourself and be your own.
- My decision to end my marriage was such a risk to lose ratings and lose my fan base. I had to take that risk for my inner peace and to be happy with myself.
- I don’t like big balls on a dog.
- My mother has always been the social glue holding the family together.
- I love meeting new people and telling them about my stories and my projects that I am working on.
- I learned from a very young age that if you set your mind to it, you can do it.
- You have to stay humble, no matter what, as easily as It’s given to you, It can be taken away. Always be grateful for the opportunities that come your way.